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My top 3 homeopathic remedies and essential oils for hayfever

Writer's picture: Rowena PrescotRowena Prescot

It's that time of year again when the sun comes out and so does the pollen!

Whilst the world's focus and news is worrying about the C word, the usual annoying issues that trouble us on an everyday basis are still here and from what I've seen so far, many people seem to be really struggling with hayfever right now.

I have therefore decided to share with you some of the self help solutions you can try to support your body, when it feels like it's under attack from pollen and other irritants in the environment.

Below I have included my favourite 3 homeopathic remedies and essential oils that can help with alleviating some the symptoms that are frequently seen in hayfever sufferers.

This is a short whistle stop read and by the end you will be equipped with 6 solutions to really help you with battling the irritation that hayfever brings.

Homeopathic Remedies:

The basic principle in homeopathy is that 'like cures like.' This essentially means that in micro dilutions a remedy is able to stimulate your body's own healing mechanism, whereas in its raw state that same substance would give you the very symptoms that you are trying to cure. Sounds confusing, but by taking a look at my first remedy suggestion, hopefully all will become clear.

Allium Cepa

If you have been following my social media posts you will see that I have been going on about this remedy fairly frequently of late!

This remedy is made from chopped red onion and hopefully now my explanation of like cures like will start to make a bit more sense!

We can all relate to the reaction our body creates when chopping an onion, so if your hayfever symptoms are similar to this situation, then allium is a remedy to be considered.

Homeopathy is essentially a matching game and you simply need to match your body's symptoms to a remedy.

Allium Cepa will help with the following symptoms:

  • Eye inflammation, watery and steaming.

  • Runny nose, burning nasal discharge (possibly one side only)

  • A possible sore upper lip due to the burning discharge.


This remedy is made from a pretty flower that grows wild in alpine meadows, It is also known as Eyebright. The clue really is in the name with this remedy, as it has a great affinity to the eyes. Consider this remedy for any issues to do with the eyes, whether due to hayfever, conjunctivitis or the common cold.

Euphrasia will help with the symptoms of:

  • Dry eyes, watery, stinging, burning tears.

  • Crusty eyelids on waking, light aggravates.

  • Profuse bland discharge from the nose.


This remedy really comes into its own in the treatment of both colds and hayfever.

The most noticeable symptom that seems to fit this remedy is for those people suffering with sneezing in sets or spasms. So if you are one of those people who doesn't just sneeze the once, then consider this remedy.

Sabadilla will help with:

  • Spasmodic sneezing, made worse from strong odours, perfumes, flowers and mown grass.

  • Tingling and itching nose, on the palate.

  • Burning, watery eyes.

  • Inflamed throat.

My advice is to try these remedies as your first port of call when trying to treat your hayfever yourself. You can choose the one most suited to your symptoms, or try all three if you have the full range of reactions.

These remedies are available from most good health shops (Reboot is my favourite locally) or online from the homeopathic pharmacies. The two main ones here in the UK are Helios Homeopathic Pharmacy and Ainsworths.

The potency I usually suggest to start with is 30C and this is what you will usually find within most homeopathic kits for home use.

If you have particularly severe hayfever, or have some symptoms that aren't mentioned above then please do get in touch. I have recently been making some bespoke remedy packages and prescriptions for patients with severe hayfever and have included some other more specific remedies if needed, for a real turbo charged remedy combo!

Please use this link to book a FREE 15 minute call if you would like help with your current symptoms.

Treating hayfever when it is in full on flare up is termed 'acute treatment' and this essentially means treating whilst you are in the middle of full blown symptoms. The ideal solution is that you don't experience hayfever in the first place, so using the remedies above is not needed, or at least lessened.

For this reason, my advice to all my patients with hayfever is that we treat them on a constitutional basis over the winter months. Constitutional treatment is where homeopathy really excels and its ability to treat the person on every level becomes clear. This is where a homeopath will treat you in a holistic way, taking into account every aspect of your life, your history, your personality, likes and dislikes and your unique symptoms for every problem in your body. In this way we are able to give a bespoke remedy that seeks to boost your entire system and stimulate you to heal from within. By getting your whole system in a good state your hayfever symptoms should certainly lesssen, if not disappear entirely and indeed this has been my own experience of hayfever. I will occasionally experience an itchy eye here and there, or some brief sneezes, but it is almost non existent to how it used to be and all I need is to pop a couple of the remedies mentioned above and I'm back to normal.

Essential oils:

It is no secret that I am also a massive lover of dōTERRA essential oils. I am not an aromatherapist and I do not prescribe oils to my patients, but I do use them as a tool for living naturally and encourage others to do the same. You will find various oil bottles scattered around my home as I use them for a whole variety of reasons: a replacement to perfumes, in my green cleaning recipes, diffused to clear the air or create a certain mood or feeling.

Each oil has its own unique uses and profile, with several of them proving useful as an addition to homeopathic remedies to help support the body.

The following oils are my favourite three for allergy support:


This oil is a great purifier and can also support respiratory health.

  • Cleanses and purifies the air and surfaces

  • Supports healthy respiratory function

  • Uplifting, positive aroma


Lavender is all things calming and is great for helping with calming the symptoms of hayfever, along with aiding a restful night's sleep.

  • All things calming, great for allergies

  • Soothes occasional skin irritations

  • Reduces anxious feelings and promotes peaceful sleep.


Peppermint is wonderful for really waking you up and helping clear the head. It is also well known for its ability to support breathing and can help alleviate some of the stuffiness often experienced with hayfever.

  • Promotes healthy respiratory function and clear breathing.

  • Opens the airways.

  • Promotes feelings of alertness and aids concentration.

If you would like to know more about how to incorporate oils into your life, and or would like to order the allergy trio to help with hayfever symptoms, please click here to book your free 30 minute dōTERRA wellness consultation with me.

I hope that these tips will open your eyes to the possibilities of natural remedies and hopefully also bring some relief to your symptoms. Over the counter antihistamine medication is not a long term solution that most people are happy with, so by using nature's own solutions we can begin to move away from the use of synthetic medication.

As I always say, I'm not against medication, just against unnecessary medication. So every person that is able to naturally treat their hayfever is a big win in my book.

  • For further tips on how to support your family naturally please follow the link to join my group ‘Natural Family Wellness’

  • To keep up to date with workshops and classes on how to use homeopathy for yourself and your family please click to follow my page

  • To book a free 15 minute call click here

*Nothing in this document is intended to be, nor should it be taken as a substitute for professional medical advice. Please always ask your doctor if unsure of anything.


1 comentário

Jo Lewis
Jo Lewis
18 de mai. de 2020

Really enjoyed reading this Rowena! Now and again I suffer from hayfever (it's never the same from one year to the next) and haven't ever considered using anything but the antihistamine tablets from the chemist. I will definitely be testings some of these out 💜 xx


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Rowena Prescot Homeopath

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